I’d love to visit your school, library or bookstore, and am open to both virtual and in-person visits. I currently live in Olney, MD and am able to drive to locations within about an hour from here for in-person visits without travel fees.
If you are interested in setting up a visit or a workshop, you can reach out via email; info@mirkah.com.
One of the most rewarding parts of being an illustrator, author and a printmaker is the connections I make during visits and workshops. I’ve taught and spoken to people of all ages, from kids to grownups.
My books have won a few awards. Most notably, Kitty and Cat: Bent Out Of Shape, was a Mathical Book Prize winner in 2024. You can see all my books here. All my books have free downloadable activity sheets and games that can be used with the books in classrooms to create excitement before a visit.

I like to keep all my visits lively and up-beat, and bring in items for show and tell.
For younger elementary school visits, I usually talk about:
- My background and how I started illustrating books.
- How books are made
- Where I come up with ideas
- What an author/illustrator does all day
- And we do a book reading of a book.
For upper elementary, and middle school, I talk about the same topics, but I spend more time talking about process of writing, and revising books, showing examples of feedback that I have received from editors and critique partners.
I’m also open for interactive writing workshops that start with a slide presentation and then interactive workshop with writing prompts. The workshops work best for upper elementary to high school students. My recent topics have been: writing and revision and lyrical writing techniques.
*More info on school visits, including fees, coming soon.