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Author-illustrator Mirka Hokkanen
Author-illustrator Mirka Hokkanen
Author-illustrator Mirka Hokkanen
Author-illustrator Mirka Hokkanen
Author-illustrator Mirka Hokkanen
Author-illustrator Mirka Hokkanen
Mirka is available for interviews and speaking engagements.
Mirka Hokkanen is a Finnish-American author-illustrator who likes quirky animal characters and stories that make kids laugh. She began her career as a fine art printmaker before transitioning to book illustration. Mirka is the illustrator for Four Otters Toboggan: An Animal Counting Book, and the author-illustrator for the graphic novel series Mossy and Tweed (Holiday House), the picture book series Kitty and Cat (Candlewick), and the non-fiction picture book series Little Seasons (OddDot).
Mirka currently lives close by Washington DC in Maryland, but has lived all around the world as a military spouse. She loves to knit, sew and explore the outdoors with her three energetic kids. For more info, see MirkaH.com
Book Press Kits
Mossy and Tweed: Double Trouble Press Kit
Kitty and Cat: Bent Out Of Shape Press Kit
Kitty and Cat: Opposites Attract Press Kit
Book covers to download